My biblionautic chums and friends.
A new exhibition at Book Art SpacE BASE. A tiny exhibition space for book arts in S. W. London (Studio 5)
BASE Exhibition No 6.
5 MINIATURE ARTISTS’ BOOKS 5 5 surrealistic short novels inspired by Max Ernst's Surrealistic novel Une Semaine De Bonté.
Mark Cockram 2021.
Each book is unique, unique collaged-hand coloured text block, unique binding. The text blocks have been collaged the bindings are of leather, mixed media and trasparent palimpsest parchment (By the artist). 7.5cm x 5.3cm x 1.8mm.
From left to right.
Please further note.... there are other studios/binderies doing stuff, spelling and grammar. Please further note, the opinion of the author may change at any moment. This is due to having an open mind of sorts.